[sloppy notes taken during the dalai lama’s teachings in macleod ganj, on 15, 16 & 17 september, 2009]
“oh bhikshus & wise men, as one assays gold by rubbing,
cutting & melting, so examine well my words & accept them,
but not because you respect me”.
(the buddha)
gaté gaté paragaté parasamgaté bodhi svahá !
(mahaprajna paramita hridaya sutra)
the heart sutra perfection of wisdom sutra the method is the result the way is the fruit the tea offering suffering-cessation of suffering and its roots three turns of the wheel of dharma one the four noble truths two the perfection of wisdom (intrinsic nature of phenomena) three continuous sublime tathagatadharma the original mind is the buddha clear-light emptiness
hearing reflecting meditating
master yoda!
nagarjuna’s precious garland
the middle way school
bodhicitta (nagarjuna’s commentary) oral tradition texts sutras! commentaries nalanda seven scholars middle-way philosophy two pillars buddhist reasoning (logic)
young annakin seeks enlightenment but what he needs is compassion
tantric vajrayana
avalokitesvara himself
a pinch of luck, good karma, or whatever
liberation! & the cessation of suffering
inferential cognition + direct experience perception
self less ness
innate clear-light mind no soul separate from its aggregates all entities are always
happiness suffering desire non-desire non theistic religion refuge in time of difficulty
monotheism polytheism nontheism no god no creator (buddhisms sankhya jainism)
causes & conditions self is impermanent abandon the cause of suffering (we dislike suffering But we chase after the causes of suffering) santideva
anger jealousy envy pride afflictions attachment aversion ignorance taming the mind (freeing it from afflictions)
cultivate the wisdom of selflessness abandon the self-grasping mind
the object itself has no external reality it is quite literally the object of perception how does one distinguish between the real and the imagined object? there is no difference regarding functions
the subject & the object arise simultaneously and disappear simultaneously
one’s own mental extension five aggregates (all phenomena) eighteen substances/elements twelve divisions of the sources
the ocean of wisdom what about the mind itself
sutra of the ten grounds: that there is no external reality is the intention of the sutra, but not the intention of the buddha its all in your mind, your mind included
sutra unraveling the true intention third turn of the wheel of dharma (the first two are interpretable) the self does not exist but the aggregates do?
you use REASON to discern which sutras are definitive and which are interpretable, NOT other sutras
very mahayana
vasubandhu existence-intrinsic nature temporal mind past present future past is no longer future is not yet present is the product of the past and future therefore is the product or creation of two non-existents
self-awareness madiamyka school the cognicent and the cognizable are always in relation with each other
stanza forty-one the buddhas have not yet found the mind
absence of conceptualization is emptiness when there is the perceiver and the perceived ther is no enlightenment (dualism)
cessation of the defilements in the sphere of ultimate reality in enlightenment there is no elaboration without emptiness there is no enlightenment true direct experience of emptiness cannot be explained emptiness=space
constantly meditate on this emptiness
and it all turns back to the cause of suffering and therein lies the source of liberation from samsara
the middle way also between absolutism/eternalism & nihilism
emptiness is form form is emptiness there is no ignorance there is no no ignorance (prajna paramita hridaya sutra)
bodhi purifying citta gaining knowledge
tea offering & chanting if one does not realize the ultimate reality of emptiness one is bound to samsara
realization of emptiness-dharmakaya-nirvana it is the mind that creates both samsara & nirvana
the moment nirvana becomes an object of desire, it becomes an element of samsara
the peak the sun the moon light & darkness
the end of philosophy
natural & spontaneous glory
of liberation
seven-limb puja for generating the bodhicitta
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